Legends of the Brawl banner image

legends of the brawl

internship, combat design, programming, QA
unity, google docs (GDD), tortiseSVN, trello

An internship experience I had through Dark Tonic Games. Legends of the Brawl is 4 player co-op action brawler staring famous historical figures throughout history. I primarily assisted in the game’s core combat design, systems, and character movesets.

I was given access to both the game design document and a early build of the game in Unity. I was given the task to refine the combat section of the GDD as well as attempt to implement some of my ideas for testing if possible. I would then put my ideas into presentable formats and communicate remotely with the development team to share ideas, receive criticism, and discuss further implementation. I would also take on other tasks involving enemy design, level design, and QA.