
My name is Paul, I am a multimedia designer based in Lancaster, PA. I have years of experience building visual and interactive projects.

I have a knack for design in many different mediums including games, websites, software, and print.

Some of my favorite things are video games, VR, animation, beaches, piña coladas, and my friends & family!

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a photo of paul alicea at the beach with a colorful button-up, a colorful retro t-shirt, and swimming trunks


2016 - 2018
Juniata College
Digital Art, Design & Color, Computer Science, Digital Storytelling, Video Production, Web Design, HCI
2016 - 2018
Juniata College Marketing Department
Graphic Designer
Graphic Design, Print Design, Web Development, Web Design
2016 - 2018
Dark Tonic Games
Game Design (Combat), Game programming, QA
2018 - 2019
Juniata College Video Production Team
Videography, Video Editing, Writing, Storyboarding, VR
2018 - 2020
Juniata College Marketing Department
Web Designer
Graphic Design, Print Design, Web Development, Web Design
2021 - 2022
Web Designer
Graphic Design, Print Design, Web Development, Web Design
2021 - 2022
Web Developer
Graphic Design, Print Design, Web Development, Web Design
2023 - 2023
H2H Marketing
Graphic Design
Graphic Design, Web Development, Web Design, Social Media
2023 - 2024
Improve & Grow
Web Designer
Web Design, Web Development, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Social Media, Video
*Not including the game development, video editing, and art I create in my free time!


figma logo